Platform of online earning for students

Platform of online earning for students
Platform of online earning for students

In online earning the most popular ones are based on selling products or services. Here we will write about how to create an online site of your own and what is necessary for creating it successfully. We will tell in detail steps to run a successful blog. Let’s start

! :install the appropriate plug-in for your blog and install plugins as per needs. Remember to follow HTML syntax as well. Ensure that you have read our articles before starting your blog. Build up the posts using your template files if your blog is small. You can use a combination of them and get more options if you want.

Youtubers Blogger : Start publishing videos and tutorials as soon as you launch your blog. Download templates as needed and publish videos to different kinds of topics and videos. and LilG are the best ways to promote your course and research papers on Youtube. and LilG are two sides of youtube for making money. The main reason why is better than Google Search Engine is because of their huge number of subscribers. It is better to choose their traffic from Youtube over  as and their google bots have more time to see your content. They know where your readers come from, so they recommend links to your blog. Use keywords at the beginning of every video to show search results. knows where the user is coming from based on his IP address. 

Platform of online earning for students

To gain more users, make original and unique content and give more links than other websites. If you don’t know how to do this, try doing YouTube challenges everyday. Make sure you check my Youtube Chunk Challenge on How I Made $50+ Per Day On Medium. Keep visiting your blog regularly as soon as you receive an email. Be active in answering questions. It is very important for you to have an active mind when you get a new visitor on your blog.

Blogger is known as SEO tool and it helps to enhance your blog. By adding a proper title tag to your content along with meta tags on post title and meta descriptions, Google crawlers will not index your content on their servers. Write meaningful titles, add tags and tags are very helpful. 

Platform of online earning for students

The first thing you need to know when getting started is the right keyword and make it meaningful for them. Posting irrelevant keywords on your post is not helpful. These days, Google will index your keywords as long as you make them worth their time and make sure they search relevant keywords. So don’t worry about blogging if you don’t have content related to yours. Your blog will not grow without it. Give keywords that are interesting and interesting in relation to your writing and topic. Use them wisely.Once you have defined your topic and keyword, start working on creating new content for it. Create useful articles to fulfill that keyword. 

As Google crawlers will only give you high quality results when your content is relevant to the particular blog and keyword. Creating quality content, which is not related to your keyword gives higher chances to rank. Post on your niche and provide valuable content that you think people would like to read through. The key points to remember are keeping it brief but well written. Focus on providing value to your reader and not on word count. Aim to create videos, podcasts, games, and eBooks. After creating useful content, you need to update it on your blog and show it.

Platform of online earning for students

To increase views, you need to make sure that your posts on your blog are regularly updated. Make articles for your audience related to your topic and make sure your article is complete and error free. Always keep in mind that you can only get 2X your audience by sharing on your blog and making regular updates. If you don’t have content in the form of books then consider making videos on your topic. Publish it online too as many people are watching on youtube and they love playing these videosOn Social Media Pages, Create Hashtags

Make sure you always include hashtags in your post so that they can reach maximum people. Set a minimum word limit, so that if someone searches the topic you are talking about then search them with those hashtags and get more ideas. Get trending on a given hashtag and start researching it. Don’t go on repeating your same topics, that will cause poor result

Don’t Forget About CTA & TBC Post. Keep in mind to show your work on CTA, where you can call in action (CTA). It shows the current state of your blog and readers will know what you are planning with the help of search engines. Tell your story and let viewers know about your work. Give clear guidelines such as “How to Submit” and “How Often?” and explain them clearly. When posting on social media pages, create your account on both social media sites. Show your work on CTA pages too by explaining your reason

Platform of online earning for students

. Not only CTA pages but you need to encourage users to engage in debates as well. There is a lot more to discuss about your work on social media pages but it is not required for success. Have a look at this example on Quora. Do not post the answer and leave it as it was posted. Show your work on your profile picture also to bring attention towards you from other people. Help the readers who want to make money by introducing products through videos.

I hope you got everything clear with me. Now it’s time for your blog. Now you need to start work in building the foundation for your blog. Create the folder, sub folders and file in that folder to get more storage. You can refer to my tutorial about storing images on S3 and cloud storage.

First Upload : Upload your homepage.


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